Stitch your own QR code
Did you know that you can cross stitch a QR code? It's a really geeky
7 segment display RGB LED clock
I'm making a 7 segment display RGB LED clock. I'll produce a video for element14
element14 presents: Dance Dance Mat
I made a dance mat for the element14 community. The video really highlights how much
Raspberry Pi Halloween Lights
With no trick or treating or Halloween parties allowed this year, I decided to decorate
Scrolling FaceMask - Make your own
I made a speech to text face mask for element14 presents. The video above covers
Scrolling FaceMask - A Journey
On 11th September my facemask video went live on Element14 Presents: There are two parts
New role: element14 video content producer
Last week my first video for element14 presents was published. It's me using a VR
element14 #badass engineers and makers WINNER Raspberry Pi intercom
I am delighted to say I came in the top 10 of the element14 #badass
Save the World with Code - my book!
This week I've been seeing more and more people get their pre-orders of my book.
Virtual PiWars 2020
I won't mention the C word... but PiWars 2020 was postponed :( :( and Virtual PiWars was