Stairlights: update to the code

Three years ago, THREE years ago! I made these awesome stairlights and wrote a tutorial that ended up in the MagPi magazine
I'm always removing the stairlights - the raspberry pi or the power supply - for other projects. Today I wanted to put them back on so I found a raspberry pi zero w, loaded the old code into and added a power supply.
And of course, since the code is over 3 years old, it didn't work.
First, I forgot to add the neopixel library to this new pi. The link in the MagPi article is not working. Here's the new one:
You actually only need this line:
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel
Then the code also needs changing. I've uploaded my own version to github here:
The physical setup is the same. The pi is connected to the lights through GPIO pin 18 and a ground pin.