Scrolling FaceMask - Make your own

I made a speech to text face mask for element14 presents.
The video above covers version 1 and 2 of the facemask. I cover how I built it and links in the video description detail the shopping list and the code.
After the video I kept building facemasks and stopped at version 5, which is obviously the best one!
Version 5 uses an Android phone to transcribe your speech. It uses a Bluetooth app to send the text to an ESP32 inside the mask.
If you want to make version 5, follow these steps
- Get the kit. I made a shopping list video of what products I used and where I got them from. I also showed you alternatives. This is mainly for people from the UK
Code. The code for the ESP32 is on GitHub:
App. The app for sending your transcribed text to the facemask is on the Google Play Store. It's called Face Mask Communicator. It's tough to find on the Play Store so here's a direct link:
Battery decisions! To connect a single lipo to the Wemos and the FaceMask you need to make a fiddly cable assembly. Here's a close-up photo of ours: coming soon We used solder, crimping tools and heat shrink to build this.
On the Huzzah32, it's less fiddly as it has a battery pin. Close up photo coming soon There was no heat shrink in this.
Or you could stick to the two battery setup described in the original element14 video.
Check out my other blog post detailing the pros and cons of each version of the facemask
All my FaceMask videos are on my YouTube channel playlist