PiWars: it begins

I went to PiWars in 2017 with Cubert and I was a judge on the assault course. It was a fantastic weekend and I really enjoyed it.
There was a great sense of community. While it's a competitive event everyone was really friendly to each other.
When PiWars 2019 fell on my birthday I was able to request a family visit. I just knew my husband would love it, it's right up his street. Our boys are a bit young to enjoy it fully plus it's difficult for them to enjoy such a crowded event. They couldn't see many of the events and were bored easily.
But I was right, my husband loved it, wants to apply and start building a robot. We've decided to go ahead and build one before we know that we're in the competition - cause we want a robot!
I have to admit, this is mainly my husband's project. He'll be designing it, coding it and spending many hours on it. As I've said publicly before: I don't like robots! Or at least I don't like building them. I'll be the rubber duck of the team. My husband will ask me a million questions, look for advice, check his reasoning makes sense and check and double check orders with me before pressing send 😀
We make a good team!
I'll also blog our progress and follow piwars progress on social media.
Tonight we're ordering motors, a small robot to practice on and I'm going to play around with computer vision.